Sunday, 18 May 2014

Places we love to chill...

She maybe 3 but she is our little powerhouse.... I thought I would first share her fav place to chill and read to all her fluffy friends - her bedroom... 

It started as her nursery, we have now moved to stage 2, a little girl’s bedroom... It has to be my favourite room of the house, I guess it is the one room in our house that is filled with such fond memories, and a lot of firsts, from all those late nights feeding her on my rocking chair, to nights when she was sick and I would stroke her forehead and whisper shush in her sweet little ear, dancing on her bed and now every night we do family cuddles or as Miss Liv likes to say "Flamily Cuddles" it’s a beautiful space for her and for us. I sometimes just love to sit and reflect in her room.

What would it have been like back in the day???? A little less bright, a little less warm and certainly not a place where a little girl could jump around on her bed.........However, bedrooms in the Victorian time were considered a place of sanctuary, so maybe things haven't changed that much after all.

Enjoy Life..

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